well, hello. umm, i got nothing to say actually but my heart insists to write something in it so here i am, writing something that can make my time ain't that wasted that much. well, i'd almost finish my first sem being in this business management course and its been quite a fun journey thou. well, too much dramas that had happened  to me. i'd been through a lot but still, standing steel. i know its a starting point for me to start my journey in a new era of life and im doing just fine i guessed.

its hard to handle some situations sometimes but that's life. nak taknak, kena rempuh gak and aku rasa im doing just fine je kot. serabut ah actually bila dah masuk college life ni. macam macam aku kena tempuh, macam macam aku kena motivate diri day by day to make myself stronger than who i was yesterday and its hard yknow. kau orang ingat, senang ke aku nak survive? aku dah kena macam macam. kena game, kena palau dengan housemates bagai and its torturing. ikut hati nak berambus je tpi kalau aku tak stay, tak jantan dah lah en. muka gangster tapi hati goyah. taknak taknak. so, aku dare diri aku sendiri, tunjuk kat semua orang yang aku boleh go through any bullshit pun. takde hal. i know i got the best friends arounds so yah, sikit pun takde hal lah :)